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Product-Code: NMS-BB-Ocean-MP3-01
Why are there warning symbols and warnings for some neurosessions of “Elements of DeepShift”?
For healthy people, listening to music poses no danger - we do it every day! For people with medical conditions, however, music can become a problem and pose a danger. You have probably heard that flashing lights or television flickering can trigger seizures in people with epilepsy.
In rare cases, music that works with audio and frequency impulses has a similar effect. This is known as musicogenic epilepsy. Experts currently estimate the probability of a seizure being triggered by pulse music at 1:10 million. Nevertheless, even with this low probability, one seizure in one person is one seizure too many, so I am happy to provide appropriate information here.

[DE/AT/LI/CH] Warnung: Auslösung von Anfällen! Nicht verwenden, wenn du unter audiogener Reflexepilepsie leidest (Startle-Epilepsie, musikogene Epilepsie).
[UK/USA] Warning: Triggering of seizures! Do not use if you suffer from audiogenic reflex epilepsy (startle epilepsy, musicogenic epilepsy).
[BE/NL] Waarschuwing: Veroorzaakt aanvallen! Niet gebruiken als je lijdt aan audiogene reflexepilepsie (schrikepilepsie, musicogene epilepsie).
[BG] Предупреждение: предизвикване на припадъци! Не използвайте, ако страдате от аудиогенна рефлексна епилепсия (епилепсия на уплахата, музикогенна епилепсия).
[DK] Advarsel: Kan udløse anfald! Må ikke anvendes, hvis du lider af audiogen refleksepilepsi (startle epilepsi, musikogen epilepsi).
[EE] Hoiatus: krambihoogude vallandamine! Mitte kasutada, kui teil esineb audiogeenset refleksi epilepsiat (startle epilepsia, muusikogeenset epilepsia).
[FI] Varoitus: Kohtausten laukaiseminen! Älä käytä, jos kärsit audiogeenisesta refleksiepilepsiasta (säikähdysepilepsia, musikogeeninen epilepsia).
[FR] Avertissement : déclenchement de crises ! Ne pas utiliser si tu souffres d'épilepsie réflexe audiogène (épilepsie de Startle, épilepsie musicogène).
[GR/CY] Προειδοποίηση: πρόκληση επιληπτικών κρίσεων! Μην το χρησιμοποιείτε εάν πάσχετε από επιληψία ακουστικών αντανακλαστικών (επιληψία εκκίνησης, μουσικογενής επιληψία).
[IE] Rabhadh: taomanna a spreagadh! Ná húsáid má tá tú ag fulaingt ó titimeas athfhillteach audiogenic (titeamas startle, titimeas musicogenic).
[IT] Attenzione: scatenamento di crisi epilettiche! Non utilizzare se si soffre di epilessia da riflesso audiogeno (epilessia da startle, epilessia musicogena).
[HR] Upozorenje: izazivanje napadaja! Nemojte koristiti ako bolujete od audiogene refleksne epilepsije (epilepsija preplašenosti, muzikogena epilepsija).
[LV] Brīdinājums: krampju lēkmju izraisīšana! Nelietot, ja Jums ir audiogēnā refleksu epilepsija (lēkmes epilepsija, muzikogēnā epilepsija).
[LT] Įspėjimas: gali sukelti priepuolius! Nevartokite, jei sergate audiogenine refleksine epilepsija (išgąsčio epilepsija, muzikogenine epilepsija).
[LU] Opgepasst: Ausléiser Krampfadern! Benotzt net wann Dir un audiogene Reflex Epilepsie leid (schreckend Epilepsie, musikogener Epilepsie).
[MT] Twissija: tqanqal aċċessjonijiet! Tużax jekk tbati minn epilessija riflessa awdjoġenika (epilessija tal-bidu, epilessija mużikoġenika).
[PL] Ostrzeżenie: Wyzwalanie drgawek! Nie stosować w przypadku padaczki odruchowej audiogennej (padaczki z pobudzenia, padaczki muzykogennej).
[PT] Atenção: Desencadeamento de convulsões! Não utilizar se sofrer de epilepsia audiogénica reflexa (epilepsia de sobressalto, epilepsia musicogénica).
[RO] Avertisment: Declanșarea de convulsii! Nu utilizați dacă suferiți de epilepsie reflexă audiogenă (epilepsie de tresărire, epilepsie muzicogenă).
[SE] Varning: Utlösande av krampanfall! Använd inte om du lider av audiogen reflexepilepsi (skrämselepilepsi, musikogen epilepsi).
[SK] Varovanie: Spúšťanie záchvatov! Nepoužívajte, ak trpíte audiogénnou reflexnou epilepsiou (epilepsia z vyľakania, muzikogénna epilepsia).
[SI] Opozorilo: sproži napade! Ne uporabljajte, če imate avdiogeno refleksno epilepsijo (epilepsija zaradi preplaha, muzikogena epilepsija).
[ES] Advertencia: ¡Provocación de convulsiones! No utilizar en caso de epilepsia por reflejo audiógeno (epilepsia por sobresalto, epilepsia musicógena).
[CZ] Varování: Vyvolání záchvatů! Nepoužívejte, pokud trpíte audiogenní reflexní epilepsií (epilepsie z leknutí, muzikogenní epilepsie).
[HU] Figyelmeztetés: Rohamok kiváltása! Ne használja, ha audiogén reflex epilepsziában (startle epilepszia, musicogen epilepszia) szenved.
[IS] Viðvörun: kallar fram flog! Ekki nota ef þú þjáist af hljóðrænum viðbragðsflogaveiki (bráðaflogaveiki, tónlistarvaldandi flogaveiki).
[NO] Advarsel: Kan utløse krampeanfall! Må ikke brukes hvis du lider av audiogen refleksepilepsi (startle epilepsi, musikogen epilepsi).
[AL/ME] Paralajmërim: duke shkaktuar konvulsione! Mos e përdorni nëse vuani nga epilepsia reflekse audiogjenike (epilepsi befasuese, epilepsi muzikogenike).
[BA] Upozorenje: izaziva napade! Nemojte koristiti ako patite od audiogene refleksne epilepsije (prepadne epilepsije, muzikogene epilepsije).
[CN] 警告:诱发癫痫发作!如果您患有听觉反射性癫痫(惊吓性癫痫、音乐性癫痫),请勿使用。
[JP] 警告:発作を誘発する!聴原性反射てんかん(驚愕てんかん、音楽原性てんかん)を患っている場合は使用しないこと。
(Note: The audio quality of the pre-listening function is not comparable to the quality of the original audio files.)
Dive into the depths of the ocean and embark on a fascinating journey beneath the surface - tuned to the soothing frequency of 432 Hz and mixed in Dolby Atmos®.
This neuromusic session with binaural beats in the delta wave range and gentle sounds of the sea has been specially composed to harmonize your nervous system and promote a state of inner peace.
Delta-waves (0.5-4 Hz)
Delta-waves are the slowest brain waves and mainly occur during deep sleep. They are essential for physical recovery, healing and the immune system. Through targeted stimulation of the delta waves, you can sleep deeper and regenerate your body better.
The mystical underwater tones in 432 Hz harmonize your mind, while the soft underwater sounds envelop you and the mysterious sounds of the deep gently guide you into a world of letting go and dreaming. Perfect for meditation, relaxation or as a soundscape for moments of regeneration.
If you purchase the mp3 version, you will also receive the high-res audio version in 24 bit/96 kHz (approx. 1 GB file size).
Duration | over 30:00 Minuten |
Audio fomats | MP3 (320k/Bit) und |
Neuroeffect | Binaural Beats 4 Hz |
3D spatial sound | Dolby Atmos |
Headphones | recommended |
HRTF | yes |
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